Eligibility to become a Full or Associate Member in ETI:
Any person, firm or corporation is eligible for full membership if it meets the following qualifications:
Is engaged as a manufacturer, potential manufacturer or marketer of automotive service repair equipment tools, or information.
Is financially sound.
Has a reputation for integrity and sound character.
Meets such other uniform requirements as may be established by the Board of Directors.
Distinction between Full and Associate level membership:
While there are many benefits and services that ETI offers to its members, there is a limit to the benefits afforded to Associate Members. Below is a summary of ETI member benefits and services and the difference between Full Members and Associate Members.
The main distinction is that Associate Members are not allowed to:
- Attend Summer Tech Week
- Attend Winter Tech Week
- Have access to the Tek-Net Library
- be able to Join ETI's vertical groups
- Hold leadership positions within ETI (i.e. Vertical Group chairs, officers and directors)