Why should I join ETI and become an Associate Member?
ETI is one of the few organizations that is respected by vehicle manufacturers and the aftermarket alike. Our members supply products to both markets. ETI offers its members access to important OEM and aftermarket contacts through meetings and seminars. ETI provides you with an opportunity meet individuals within organizations that can help you grow your business. ETI can help you promote your products to those who are in a position to buy them.What is the difference between a full member and an Associate member? Basically the difference has to do with access to the technical side of ETI. Full members have access to the TEK-NET Library, vertical group activity and ETI Tech Week Meetings. Additionally, Full Members, if nominated and elected, can become a Director or officer of ETI. Associate members can participate in the marketing side of ETI’s business only. This includes ETI ToolTech event. Companies should consider Associate Membership if they have little interest in ETI’s technical activities, or want to try out ETI before becoming a Full Member.What ETI events can be attended by an Associate Member? ToolTech - There is no other venue or event like it. No where else can you find the networking, promotional opportunities and access to important purchasing decision makers for OEMs, national accounts and large purchasing groups, targeted specifically to the vehicle-related equipment and tool industry. For details click on the events tab in the menu to the left of this page.How is ETI Organized?
How much is membership?
Here is a simple chart of NEW associate member dues:
What are ETI member responsibilities? ETI members can do as little or as much as they like. Obviously, the more active any company is in ETI, the more value they will get out of their investment. We encourage members to become active as possible. We further hope that you will bring your industry level issues to us for consideration because what ever is bothering you is probably bothering others as well.Membership list? A list of all our members can be found by clicking here. | NAVIGATE |