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Inventors Hub

ETI’s Inventors Hub serves as a conduit for ETI's manufacturing and distribution member companies to assess new tool and equipment ideas submitted by inventors so that these new ideas might someday become reality.

Inventors' Side

This is a valuable opportunity to get your idea in front of a lot of companies quickly and at no cost to you.

This service is for inventors, technicians, and engineers interested in the opportunity to share their (IP protected) ideas with important manufacturers and distributors of automotive tools and equipment.  For a list of companies that could potentially see your idea click here.

Click here to submit your idea(s)

Mobile Device Version

Note: We want to make you aware that you and only you bear the risk of sharing this idea with ETI and its member companies.  It is your responsibility to fully protect your idea with whatever means may be necessary, including Patents, Trademarks, etc.; before you submit this completed form to ETI.  If you are uncertain what protection you need, we encourage you to first contact a trustworthy attorney who deals in such matters.

Our members companies will go over your submission and contact you directly if they are interested.

Thank you for using ETI's Inventors Hub.

Manufacturers' Side

(full members only)

Are you looking for new tool ideas, solutions to tool and equipment problems, or a way to improve an existing tool?

Sign up and ETI’s new Inventors Hub will automatically email you submissions from inventors, technicians, and engineers who fill out a form on our website.

Submissions will come to you in the form of an email from ETI Admin.  If you are interested in an idea or invention, simply reply to the inventor directly using the contact information on the form.  Its simple and free to ETI full members.
 ETI Members
Click here for more info and to sign up

Note:  Make sure you have permission from your company to participate in this program.  If you hear about an idea from this service and someone from your company is developing a similar product or implementing a similar idea, a conclusion could be drawn that the idea came for someone using this service.


Copyright 2006-2024 Equipment & Tool Institute

37899 W. 12 Mile Road, Suite A-220, Farmington Hills, MI 48331  Call: 248-656-5080