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Automechanika Aftermarket Forum to Feature New Format

19 Jun 2010 5:09 PM | Anonymous
FRANKFURT – Automechanika Frankfurt will once again feature the Automechanika Aftermarket Forum during the show, which takes place Sept. 14-19.  However, the forum will have a new format that begins with an official opening ceremony on the first day of the fair and lasts a day longer than in 2008. The spotlight of this additional day will be on "e-mobility."

The venue is also new – the "Portalhaus" building of the new Hall 11. In addition to a new Automechanika study on a ‘New Era in Automobile Service’ by Prof. Willi Diez, show organizers Messe Frankfurt say visitors can look forward to an extensive program of lectures and panel discussions with approximately 50 top international speakers.

“The trend toward ‘using instead of owning’ will characterize the automobile market over the coming decades. This development will be boosted by the increasing significance of electric vehicles. It is even possible that we will see completely new players moving into tomorrow’s automobile business, e.g., energy suppliers and mobility providers that will relieve customers of all the worries associated with running a car,” said Prof. Willi Diez of the Institute for the Automobile Sector, summarizing the Automechanika study on a ‘New Era in Automobile Service.’

The study will be released at the Business Press Conference in Frankfurt am Main on Sept. 9. Then, on the first day of the Aftermarket Forum – Sept. 14 – Diez will explain the study in detail after the official opening ceremony by Member of the Board of Management of Messe Frankfurt Detlef Braun. In the subsequent panel discussion, representatives of ZF Services, ATU, EFA, Federation of the German Motor Vehicle Trade (Zentralverband Deutsches Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe – ZDK) and TÜV Nord will discuss the current situation in the sector.

On Sept. 15, speakers will examine options for increasing workshop productivity. In addition to the Garage Equipment Study 2010, the subjects they will consider include tire service, the modern air conditioning workshop, emission testing, mechatronic vehicle testing and information systems for the trade and workshops. These lectures will be given concurrently with the Damage Repair Management Forum, where leading insurance companies, the Federation of the German Motor Vehicle Trade (Zentralverband Deutsches Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe – ZDK) and the German Federation of Body and Automotive Engineering (Zentralverband Karosserie- und Fahrzeugtechnik e.V. – ZKF) will provide an overview of the current damage management situation and present innovations in the field of bodywork repair.

“The trade and workshops – competition and chances in connection with quality and training” is the theme of the third day of the fair. Robert Rademacher, president of the ZDK, will discuss the new reality in the aftermarket with representatives of the BMW Group and the German Association of the Automotive Parts Trade (Gesamtverband Autoteile - Handel – GVA). Research and training are the focal points of the following lectures. To be held at the same time, the conference on the "Right to Repair" campaign of the GVA, European Garage Equipment Association (EGEA) and International Federation of Automotive Aftermarket Distributors (FIGIEFA) will discuss ‘Business World meets the Law Makers – The Legal Framework for a competitive Automotive Aftermarket in 2010 and beyond.’

Note:  Highlight added by Charlie Gorman.  I thought this might be of particular interest to ETI members.

The last day of the Aftermarket Forum is a special highlight and will be held under the much discussed motto of “e-mobility.” Markus Frank, councilor and head of the Economics, Personnel and Sport Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main, will discuss "Urban e-mobility: strategies and chances." With its above-average density of
companies from the mobility and logistics sectors, Frankfurt could play a leading role in this connection. Other subjects to be covered by representatives of trade and industry include “New infrastructure and new mobility structures” and “Setting-up a network of electric filling stations.” One of the highlights will be the lecture by Frank Rinderknecht, CEO of Rinspeed AG, entitled, “Through 100 emotions to zero emissions.” The visionary automobile tuning specialist will present his new mobility concept that avoids the range barrier of electric vehicles through the interaction of individual and public transport.

Participation in the Automechanika Aftermarket Forum is free of charge and all contributions will be translated simultaneously into English and German. Visitors who register now at will receive a free admission-ticket voucher for Automechanika Frankfurt and a certificate of participation in the Aftermarket Forum. The program of lectures can also be seen in detail on the website.

Further information about Automechanika is available at

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